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Hey everyone! My name is Helen and I'm very proud to present you my first own blog! On this blog you will find cool stuff that is unusual, exeptional, inspiring or just fun and crazy. I hope that you will like the entries and that you will become as enthusiastic about them as I am. Have fun and enjoy reading!

Sonntag, 15. Mai 2011

I found this stunning Swedish Treehotel online and was totally festinated by it. The concept is connecting the beauty of nature with modern architecture. I guess this comes along with the ‘Going Green’ trend that is dominating many areas today in terms of design, lifestyle, food etc. Although, being eco- and environmental friendly isn’t automatically associated with being trendy and stylish, these pieces of architecture are showing obviously that a connection between the two can be cutting edge. The different rooms of the Treehotel are called The Mirrorcube, The Bird's Nest, The Cabin and The Blue Cone. 

Especially this Mirrorcube room is brilliant. The cube is hardly visible since all four walls are mirrors which make it fuse with the forest it is surrounded by. Although a hotel room within trees seems disruptive it creates a certain harmony.

One could even enhance this Treehotel project more by installing invisible solar panels that each room can generate its one electricity or water recycle systems that no water is wasted. Nowadays there are various upcoming technologies that could support the concept to become 100% eco-friendly.

This kitchen is another great example of connecting modern living with nature. Cooking in this kitchen must be an amazing experience! It seems like being in the garden while being in the kitchen. It's just great!

Then I started searching for other examples of different areas that discovered nature as a fundamental element of design and I found this alarm clock and charger for the iphone. I like a lot this contrast between a natural element and a technological sophisticated gadget but in the same context.


The same is also happening in marketing when advertisements that are put in the environment instead of just in TV or magazines. The surprise effect these ads have when you come across them is pretty cool like this Mini Cooper carton in the streets.


This is not directly the same as the Treehotel or wooden gadget accessories but nevertheless it is kind of similar as things are put in an environment where they usually do not belong to as this blue Chevrolet model parked between cars on a normal day in a street of London.

Such campaigns are pretty awesome!

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